When camping, keeping a safe distance from wildlife is essential for both your safety and the animals' well-being. Here are some key tips to follow:
Store Food Properly: Always store food in bear-proof containers or hang it from a tree at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet away from the trunk. Never leave food out in the open, especially at night.
Make Noise: While hiking or moving around camp, make some noise (like talking or clapping) to alert animals of your presence. This helps avoid surprising them.
Keep Your Distance: If you spot wildlife, stay at least 100 yards away from large animals like bears or moose, and 25 yards from smaller animals like deer or coyotes. Never approach or attempt to feed them.
Stay Calm: If an animal approaches, don’t run. Instead, back away slowly while maintaining eye contact. Running can provoke a chase instinct.
Camp in Established Sites: Camp in designated campsites where wildlife encounters are less likely. These areas are often cleared and safer.
Avoid Hiking at Dusk or Dawn: Many wild animals are most active at these times. If possible, stick to mid-day for hiking and avoid setting up camp near known animal paths.
Leave No Trace: Clean up thoroughly after meals and dispose of trash in wildlife-safe bins. A clean campsite is less likely to attract animals.
By following these steps, you can minimize the risk of dangerous encounters while respecting wildlife and their habitat.